046: Serene Beryl
Source: TV
Layers: 1
Sketches: 1
Cel Number: A6
Standard size
Original Unmatching Background
Added 2/11/2011
Updated 8/15/2014
From Episode 46 of the Classic Series: 「うさぎの想いは永遠に! 新しき転生 」 Usagi's Everlasting Wish! A New Reincarnation
An eerily serene looking Beryl, during the calm before the storm of the final battle. During this sequence she's taunting Usagi, showing how well she's brainwashed Mamoru by ordering him to kill her.
My first foray into the world of Sailor Moon cels. Persueded by my friend Sui, I went after this very gorgeous Beryl cel. She has a fair bit of line fading, which is honestly expected with the age and the colours used on her. A very heavy cel, as well, as there are so many layers for the skin section.
Animation Director: Kazuko Tadano (只野和子)
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