BW20: Elekkiball Shock!
Source: TV
Layers: 1
No sketches available
Cel Number: Unknown
Oversize, 14W x 11H
No Background
Added 2/24/2011
Updated 2/24/2011
From Episode 20 of Best Wishes: 「ピカチュウVSメグロコVSコアルヒー」 Pikachu VS Sandile VS Duckling
I am very, very lucky to own this genga. This one features all three Koaruhii/Duckling's in the episode, whom we've affectionately named Dish, Glasses, and Cap due to the items they stole.
Ash and co. have had enough of the troublesome birds, and Pikachu sends out a tremendous Elekkiball attack, a new attack learned this episode, which hits all three Koaruhii before blasting them off to never be seen again.
To view any sequence mates to this amazing genga, please visit my friend Gin's page dedicated to this episode right here.
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